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Yan Li


University of Waterloo






中文长篇小说《嫁得西风》Married to the West Wind, fiction in Chinese.
(香港明镜出版社Mirror Books, Hong Kong 1999) ISBN: 1-896745-91-1
(北京文化艺术出版社Literature & Art Press, Beijing, 2000) ISBN: 7-5039-1934-5

英文长篇小说《红浮萍》Daughters of the Red Land, fiction in English
(加拿大Sister Vision Press, Toronto, 1995) ISBN: 0-920813-17-8
获1996年度加拿大全国小说新书提名奖Finalist for Books in Canada’s First Novel Award in 1996

翻译作品《白宫生活》The Living White House, non-fiction, translated from English to Chinese (北京新华出版社New China Press, Beijing, 1988) ISBN: 7-5011-0198-1

Sample Stories:

忘年 《一代飞鸿-——北美中国大陆新移民作家小说精选集》
Selected Stories of North American Chinese Writers
(美国轻舟出版社 Greenlight Press, WA, 2005)ISBN: 0-9748303-8-0

毛太和她的同学们 《枫情万种——加拿大华人作家散文精选集》

Re-rooting and Root Searching: Selected Prose Essays by Chinese-Canadian Writers

(台湾水牛出版社 Bufbook, Taiwan, 2005)ISBN: 957-599-784-0

羊群 《叛逆玫瑰——加拿大华人作家中篇小说精选集》
Defiant Roses: Stories by Chinese-Canadian Writers
(台湾水牛出版社 Bufbook, Taiwan, 2004)ISBN: 957-599-746-8

地久天长 《西方月亮——加拿大华人作家短篇小说精选集》
The Sojourners: Stories by Chinese-Canadian Writers
(台湾水牛出版社 Bufbook, Taiwan, 2004)ISBN: 957-599-745-X

诗: 重逢 Encounter Again (北美《世界日报》副刊World Journal, November 5, 2002)

散文:宝岛印象 Taiwan Impressions (北美《世界日报》副刊World Journal, September 2002)

散文:自立的恐惧 Cost of Independency, My First Book, (上海文汇出版社Wenhui Press, Shanghai, 2002)

短篇小说:姚家岭Village in the Hill (北美《世界日报》小说版World Journal, Jan. 12–14, 2002)

中篇小说:故园Homeland (北美《世界日报》小说版World Journal, May 20–23, 2001)

中篇小说:回惶Puzzling Memories (北美《世界日报》小说版World Journal, July 10–17, 2001)

The Chinese Women’s Club, Canadian Culture and Literature and a Taiwan Perspective, (University of Alberta, Edmonton 1998). ISBN: 0-921490-10-0

The Warning, Vox Feminarum magazine, Waterloo, ON, March 1998

Old Monsters Crawl Out, Books in Canada magazine, September 1996,

The Menzies, a Canadian Family in the History of Chinese-Canadian Relation (People’s Daily, Beijing, October 1988)

First Shakespeare’s Festival in China, Outlook magazine, Beijing, 1986
City Sights through Minority Eyes (China Daily, Beijing, 1987)
Giving Teachers Their Due (Outlook magazine, Beijing, 1987)