A National Database of Chinese Language Programs in Canadian Universities, Colleges, and Secondary Schools
Due to an increasing number of inquiries from all over the world, asking for various kinds of information about Chinese language programs in Canadian educational institutions, the Canadian TCSL Association has decided to build a national TCSL database for public, national, and worldwide reference. The Canadian National TCSL Database is a collection of firsthand information on Chinese language programs from Canadian secondary schools, colleges, and universities. The information about any specific Chinese language program includes: the title of the institute, the coordinator or director of the program, the enrollment, the curriculum, the course description, the textbooks, the degree or certificate offered (if any), and the contact details. With the assistance and co-operation of each individual institute, the Canadian TCSL Association will edit and revise the database information on an annual basis.
The response to the call for the establishment of the Canadian National TCSL Database has been very positive. Upon the initial call, many institutes have promptly sent in information about their Chinese language program. To these institutes, which have thus already laid down the first foundation stones for this database, the Canadian TCSL Association would like to extend its appreciation for your contributions to this joint venture, as well as your future support and co-operation toward keeping this database updated every new academic year.
Invitation to Participate
As you know, every Chinese language program in Canada is an essential component of the wide spectrum of Canadian TCSL programs. The establishment of a complete and comprehensive national database thus depends on every institute’s participation. The Canadian TCSL Association urges everyone to extend our invitation to participate in this venture toward other institutes which have a Chinese language program. As every Chinese language program is an important part of this database, we urge all Canadian Chinese language program coordinators or directors to join this historic mission.
Please fill in and send back to us a standard TCSL program information chart. Click here. The Association’s webmaster will immediately post it on the web for public, national, and worldwide reference.
This database is compiled, edited and revised by the Canadian TCSL Association, based on the information provided by colleagues of the institutes listed.